
The Ipcress File - 2022 - UK

The Ipcress File - 2022 - 7/10

“He’s not Michael Caine,”  said my wife.
“That was over 50 years ago,”  I said,  “and most won’t watch that nowadays because they won’t watch black n white.”
Six episode miniseries reboots Harry Palmer into the thick of Cold War espionage.
Here, Palmer is recruited out of prison.
Extremely intelligent, cheeky, yet not of the right class, so Palmer’s horizon is truncated.
After a scientist (nuclear weapons sort) is kidnapped the Ministry of Defence turns the matter over to a shadowy government agency, who offers Palmer a prison release and a possible future.
Dialogue is barbed wire sharp as adversaries UK, Soviet, USA, kidnappers circle and undermine each other.
Fans of spy thrillers, no it ain’t Michael Caine, but this is very good.