
Tabloid - 2011

 Tabloid - 2011 - 7/10

Errol Morris documentary.
If you are British, and of a certain age, you might remember the antics of Joyce McKinney and her Manacled Mormon boyfriend.
In 1977, Southern belle McKinney flew to London to free her Mormon boyfriend, to de-brainwash him back into loving her.
She kidnapped him from London, drove him to Devon, chained him to a bed, removed his magic Mormon underpants, and frakked his brains out for 3 days.
Then Scotland Yard became involved.  And the High Court.
British tabloids had a field day with this one.

One of the reporters termed McKinney "barking mad."
A hoot of a story and never boring, with escapes, disguises, revelations, and cloning!