
Mystère à la Tour Eiffel - 2017 - France

Mystère à la Tour Eiffel - 2017 - 6/10

There are a series of these Mystère films.  In the Louvre, At The Opera . . .
Ostensibly chick flick mysteries, these fall into the subgenre of "frock films."
Meaning, like the Miss Fisher series, aficionados watch these to admire the wardrobe.
I will try to limit myself to this lone review.

There are a handful of murders in late 19th century Paris.
All would be considered "locked room" affairs.
The obvious culprit is the attractive, young blonde.
Magicians play a role, detectives are dim witted, and our heroine finds shelter in an underground lesbian enclave.
Narrative is generic, twists are implausible, the clothes - I admit - are very nice.