
Two Weeks - 2013 - S Korea

Two Weeks -  2013 - 6/10
AKA - Toowickseu // 투윅스

K-drama, patterned after “The Fugitive” finds petty level criminal accused of murder.
This is not the first time he’s taken the fall, but it is the first time he realizes he will be killed in prison.
In a traffic accident, he makes his break!
Straight off, he ain’t Dr. Richard Kimble.  He has a criminal record, is involved with criminals, and is a gigolo.
Over the episodes, his backstory gets teased out, showing the many people he has disappointed.
The first half has stronger pacing and is a hard moving thriller.  I really appreciate that he was unable to get out of his handcuffs for a few episodes.  Most shows – five minutes, free!
I’m sure I got this because Kim So-Yeon plays the obsessed prosecutor.  She was the ice cold N Korean agent in 2009’s I R I S.  Her acting borders on hysterics here, everyone else is fine.
Not quite by the numbers, but predictable.  Certainly acceptable for casual viewers.