
Free Solo - 2018

Free Solo - 2018 - 7/10

Stunning mountain climbing documentary, and I have viewed more than I want to.
This follows simply the best free climber in the world.  No hammers, hooks, pylons, clamps.  No rope.
Handhold, foothold, finger, toehold.
Awesome!  Note, however, the life expectancy of this small group is not lengthy.
Without a rope, even the tiniest error …
The subject, the emotionless Alex Honnold, is far from likeable.  Fellow climbers refer to him as Spock.
What drives him?  He cracks the door a slice when he mentions his “bottomless pit of self loathing.”
Blonde girlfriend Sanni, who receives a fair amount of screen time, seems mismatched.
As expected, scenery is breathtaking.  Unbelievable.