
Fast Workers - 1933 - USA

Fast Workers - 1933 - 5/10

Muddled Pre-Code drama of high-steel buddies, Gunner and Bucker.
Both crisscross the Depression landscape and dally with women, one for kicks, one for love.
Bucker falls for a gold-digging sharpie, not knowing she is one of Gunner’s casuals.
Vitaphone (Warners) might have done something with this;  MGM seems clueless.
Robert Armstrong shines as the gullible romantic, Mae Clarke the opportunistic tart.
I watched this poorly received movie for a couple reasons.
One, John Gilbert, Silent star, has-been in the Talkies because of a high, effeminate voice.
Not so, it sounded totally fine.
Two, Tod Browning, this was the film he was assigned after Freaks.
Both men were on a career plunge.