
It! The Terror From Beyond Space - 1958 - USA

It! The Terror From Beyond Space - 1958 - 5/10

No, from Mars, dammit.  Not beyond space, Mars.
Sheesh, talk about misleading titles.
Supposedly the template for Alien which was why I picked this howler.
Not that I need any help, I select bad films all the time.
So ... our spacecraft gets stuck on Mars and waits six months (!!) for rescue ship.
Only the captain survives and he is to be taken back to Earth for court martial.
Ship carries a stowaway, however.  It!
Creature begins to hunt and kill crew one by one.  Especially in the ducts.
For an interplanetary vessel, the ship is well stocked with pistols, rifles, grenades, even a bazooka!
During battles, I was yelling about explosions and oxygen.  What do I know?
OK enough late night time waster, but for fans wanting an Alien fix, this ain’t it.