
The Swallow And Titmouse - 1924 - France

The Swallow And Titmouse - 1924 - 7/10
AKA - L'Hirondelle et la Mésange

The two men seem to get along fine,  Captain Pierre and new hand Michel.
Pierre has two barges, the afore mentioned Swallow and Titmouse.
They ply the canals between Antwerp and northern France.
Moving construction goods – and perhaps a bit of smuggling.
Of which the smiling, obliging Michel is determinedly curious.

Film may be too slow for some, enthralling for others.
The restoration is superb.  The music, evoking a liquid current, marries well.
Most of all are the images of lost habits, parades, exteriors.
Postcard views of the world between wars, which WWII would erase.