
A Better Life - 2011 - France

A Better Life - 2011 - 6/10
AKA - Une Vie Meilleure

A young couple discover an abandoned house, in the middle of nowhere, but near the lake.
"I could create a classy restaurant here!"  says the male, a school cook.
We just need to borrow enough money ...

As any older soul could warn, there are dreams and there are pipedreams.
The couple, and it is very difficult to ascertain how long they have known each other, take on debt.
Crushing debt.  But it's for a better life, right?  A glorious future!
The story wears one down.  The man has an unpleasant streak, the woman nurses illusions of her own, plus she has a son whom she drags into the swamp.
The bitter passage that we have all either witnessed or experienced.