
The Jockey Of Death - 1915 - Italy

The Jockey Of Death - 1915 - 6/10
AKA - Il Jockey Della Morte

Henri de Castelroc makes his way to the family estate, to find it owned by another.
He also had a cousin, who, as a young girl, had been stolen by gypsies 15 years before.
Had the owner of the castle and estate not overplayed his hand … well, there would be no movie.
And once underway, this hurtles, especially in one lengthy, outstanding chase sequence.
Through sewers, railroad tracks, across rooftops, down cable lines, and cycling on a power line!
Clearly, some reels are lost, yet the narrative holds, and this is like an cascade of cliffhanger thrills.

I made some subs here = https://subscene.com/subtitles/the-jockey-of-death/english/2609865