
I, Tonya - 2017 - USA

I, Tonya - 2017 - 7/10

Uncomfortable story of the damaged, yet gifted individual.
In other spheres, participants are judged on talent.  Their gifts.  Not always, of course.
With figure skaters, presentation factors more than ability.  A wholesome back story counts double.
Tonya Harding's ugly, messy life overshadowed her jaw dropping athletic abilities.
Again and again and again, judges penalized her because she was not pretty, her costumes reflected her meager budget limitations, and because of her rough edge.
In many ways, an extremely funny film, this will leave a foul taste in your mouth, and perhaps an utter disgust at the so-called sport of figure skating.

My bride and I followed figure skating for almost two decades.  Caught celebratory ice tours afterward, even tried to buy tickets for a couple of Olympics (concert scalpers have nothing on that racket).
After the drama packed '94 Olympics, we lost our enthusiasm, and never viewed skating again.
As "sport," it was more theatre and politics, and felt a little fixed.  (Christine Brennan's expose, "Inside Edge," confirmed grumbles and aired scandals.)
Probably had thus ever been, but dreamers clutch after candy floss until it falls.