
Attack Of The Crab Monsters - 1957 - USA

Attack Of The Crab Monsters - 1957 - 4/10

Lovers of crab claws or crab legs, how about a three foot serving?
Mind you, the crab itself is twenty feet wide, ravenous, and intellectual.
Say what?  There ain't no dinner as smart as me!
Think again, Farquar.  Radiated crabs scuttle forth to conquer Earth in this Roger Corman masterpiece.
A second wave of scientists arrive on a tiny, deserted island after the first group mysteriously disappear.
The Navy drops them off, then departs.  Their radio goes on the fritz, and is later smashed.
(Thank God, Russell Johnson ("The Professor") is there to repair it!)
I don't want to spoil too much.  Suffice to say, as Mr Crablegs eats more brains, he absorbs their intellects.
Makes one wonder what would happen if it attacked a Wal Mart.