
Das Spielzeug von Paris - 1925 - Germany

Das Spielzeug von Paris - 1925 - 6/10
AKA - Célimène, la Poupée de Montmartre  // Red Heels

Miles, British diplomat in Paris, is engaged to Dorothy.
That is, until he catches sight of Célimène, the hottest dancer in the theatre.
Amused, she soon bewitches and seduces Miles, who, intoxicated, proposes marriage.
Marriage?  How bourgeois.
Like her, Miles is young, has vigor, stamina and recovery, but Célimène also favors an elderly viscount who gives her diamonds and furs.  Plus, there is the adulation of her wild theatre attendees.
Decadent Michael Curtiz film has glamourous sets, risqué costumes, and a ripe Lily Damita (Errol Flynn’s thorn).
Nonetheless, high melodrama of a pair of ménage à trois.