
Journey To The Planet Of Gods (Prometheus) - fanedit - USA

Journey To The Planet Of Gods (Prometheus) - fanedit - NA

Prometheus is given a retro turn, courtesy of one Agent9.
Here, the good ship and crew, deciphering the roadmap left by creators, arrive at the home world.
The reception committee is not the Welcome Wagon.

Massive amounts of plot, character development, and dialogue have been jettisoned.
In their place are sequences from 1977’s The War In Space (惑星大戦争).
Audio and video are degraded, in keeping with a lost film, recently found.
(Indeed, the quality resembles film stock found in Dawson City in 1978.)
This is a highly entertaining mess, and those who are weary of the seriousness of the original, and who have a taste for flipbook movies should chuckle away.
Maybe pour a stiff one first.