
Katla - 2021 - Iceland

Katla - 2021 - 6/10

Promising mystery flirts with folk horror throughout.
After the volcano eruption in Vik (Iceland) most of the village is deserted.
The first stranger arrives, covered in mud, naked underneath.
Turns out she was in Vik twenty years earlier, and she has not aged.
Only wait!  Her older version is actually living in Sweden.
Then another mud covered person arrives, one who had disappeared a few years earlier.
Followed by a boy, who –  you get the picture.
At six episodes this would have been excellent.  Unfortunately, there are eight and the midsection is repetitive and padded.
Moreover, the locals, a depressed bunch, are casual beyond belief toward the new arrivals.
To a soul, they are like,  “Oh, hi.  I though you were dead.  Are you hungry?  Would you like a burger?”
This undercuts tension, and the unrelenting tone of saturated grief is tiresome.