
SiREN - 2016 - USA

SiREN - 2016 - 5/10

B-Horror flick with imaginative touches.
Quartet of fratboy males out celebrating stag party for soon-to-wed mate.
They find a Gothic sporting house nestled in remote backwoods.
Skimpy hotties, rooms catering to perversion, occult entertainment.
Running the brothel is necromancer Nyx (homage to Lord Of Illusions?) who peddles a special girl.
Picture her as a lesser demon, if you will, the ravenous kind.

Despite low expectations early on, my hopes rallied, only to wither in disappointment.
Budget restrictions aside, filmmakers are adroit in imbuing this with atmospheric quality.
The whole Nyx and outré environment is more than one typically sees in fratboy horror.
Naw, the film is sunk by the four friends, terrible actors all, given puerile dialogue.