
Beyond Evil - 2021 - S Korea

Beyond Evil - 2021 - 7/10
AKA - Gwimul  //  怪物

Took awhile for the hook to set in this K-drama, but this is a brilliantly written mystery.
New inspector, hotshot from Seoul, arrives to small Munju City, home to unsolved serial killings years before.
By chance (ha!), young Joo-Won is partnered with Dong-Shik, suspect #1 from twenty years earlier.
For the older man, his sister had been a victim, which is why he joined the police and maintains a personal hunt.
The younger guy, well, his motives are unspecified.  All we know is that he is totally overqualified at Munju.
As with many K-dramas, there is team support to bulwark against secrets, conspiracies, corruption.
And this one is packed with secrets, blackmail, subterfuges, and corkscrew twists.
Sixteen part series constructed as halves, where the first eight episodes conclude and splash into the final eight.
Gripping until the end, then the conclusion falters from an underwritten finale.