
That Thing You Do! - 1996 - USA

That Thing You Do! - 1996 - 7/10

Rise and exploitation of a one-hit wonder band, circa 1964.
The Wonders, a garage band in Pennsylvania, have a regional hit that attracts a promoter.
They ascend like a Roman candle.
There have been comparisons with The Beatles.
The Wonders replace their drummer, then bassist.  Jimmy seems modeled after Lennon.
The TV appearance is an homage to “A Hard Day’s Night” final concert.
To my mind, however, another credit should go to The Knickerbockers.
They had a massive hit, some minor hits, and were house band for “Where The Action Is.”
Plus, Wonders’ Leo is a ringer for Knick’s Buddy Randell.
Writer / director Tom Hanks is old enough to have remembered them.
The original version moves quicker and beams more innocence.  The extended version bears a different tone.