
Love & Friendship - 2016 - UK

Love & Friendship - 2016 - 6/10

Flawed, yet enjoyable adaptation of an obscure Jane Austen novella.
The movie is based on “Lady Susan”, written when Austen was 18, and not “Love and Freindship” (misspelling correct) which was penned four years earlier.
Lady Susan, an unscrupulous widow, sets out to find rich, easy to control husbands for herself and her daughter.
She flirts, conducts affairs, oppresses her daughter, imposes on her relations.
A right piece of work.
Costumes, set design, photography are all excellent.  Acting, top rate.
The pacing if off, however.  Too modern.  The story dashes breakneck throughout.
Numerous characters introduced, yet several are underutilized.  Stephen Fry = 2 brief scenes.
More air, a longer cut would help immeasurably.
Amusing entertainment, nevertheless, and Austen fans will find this irresistible.