
Eleventh Hour (US) - 2008 - USA

Eleventh Hour (US) - 2008 - 6/10

Rufus Sewell stars as *Jacob* Hood, scientist who works for FBI to solve crimes, outbreaks, disasters.
Assigned to protect him is no nonsense female agent.  Hey ... wait a minute ...
Sound familiar?  After the UK series was dropped, creator Stephen Gallagher sold it to CBS.  In fact, three of the episodes are near word for word remakes.
One might assume this would be a no-brainer.  The BBC version was fresher, Stewart the superior actor.
Hold on, though, UK only had four episodes, while the US aired 18.
Despite being a Bruckheimer production, slick visuals do not predominate.
This series remains very much in the mystery thriller genre.
Stories about cloning, genetically modified food, human growth hormone, baby farming, manmade viruses.
Producers either learned from UK failings or the US market wanted a tougher female.  Cute notwithstanding, Hood’s protector has no qualms about shooting her gun or kicking the hell out of suspects.
Overall, the UK series is darker, with uncertain resolutions.  US episodes end more positively.