
Berlin 1945: Diary Of A Metropolis - 2020 - Germany

Berlin 1945: Diary Of A Metropolis - 2020 - 7/10
AKA - Berlin 1945: Tagebuch Einer Großstadt

Well done, three part WWII documentary that genuinely adds to the history.
One part sees Berlin bracing for the final Allied (Soviet) assault, another part the conflict, final third the occupation.
All told though voice actors reading from diaries, memoirs, letters, etc …
Ordinary Berlin residents, students, office workers, forced labor, doctors, journalists, soldiers from both sides.
Bolstered with photos of the writers, and a tremendous amount of unseen footage.
The tone is neutral, stoical, a trait often expressed by survivors
Again, this is one year, in one city, with multiple points of view.  Essential for history types.