
Sharknado 2: The Second One - 2014 - USA

Sharknado 2: The Second One - 2014 - 3/10

Was this film really necessary?
I suppose.
C’mon, you have two tornadoes approaching Manhattan.  Both filled with sharks!
(never dolphins, piranha, goldfish, surfers).
Plus a giant snowstorm!  (no bears, wolves or hockey goalies, alas)
Add has-beens and dubious celebrities (Judd Hirsch, Kelly Osbourne, Billy Ray Cyrus, Downtown Julie Brown, et al)
What’d ya got?  90 minutes of labored stupidity.
Better budget than the first film, though this more self-conscious and  tries too hard.
The hero remains dumber than a biscuit.  Film introduces his still-smokin hot high school flame.
He prefers the ole divorced face.
I’m yelling at the screen,  “Jump hottie!  Dump botox!”