
The 60's: The Beatles Decade - 2006 - UK

The 60's: The Beatles Decade - 2006 - 5/10

Marshmallow documentary charting the times and cultural impact of the 60's, predominately England.
Despite title, few Beatles tunes (producers probably declined to buy the rights).
Aside from the Zombies (interviewed) most songs were by obscure groups (no, not Floyd), or they were mudleys that sorta sounded like a group or hit.
The history is chiefly pop culture and economy, fronted by talking head authors, including sourpuss Mandy Merck.
Five episodes, two years per, shallow overview may be alright for non demanding, non history buffs.

Nonetheless, one of the closing lines of the last episode haunts me -
"The 60's was a period when democracy was a very powerful force.  In the sense the guys at the top with money and power, the multi-nationals and so on, began to realize that the threat to their privileges and power wasn't a Red Invasion, Russian invasion, but democracy itself."

Tony Benn - Labour MP 1950-2001