
Sharknado 5: Global Swarming - 2017 - USA

Sharknado 5: Global Swarming - 2017 - 4/10

Another installment of overcooked, feeble minded franchise.
Who watches this?  Guilty here, I live with two obsessed sharky finatics.
Story borrows from - plays homage to - steals from a plethora of action classics.
For the knowledgeable, there will be quotes, puns and groaners.
Cameos litter the cast.  From desperate has-beens to cosmetic surgery survivors who resemble lab experiments.
Story?  Oh, sorry.  Shark infested tornadoes down spout the globe.
Luckily for those nations there are Yanks who will save them.
One of them even says,  “We’re trying to make America great again ... make the world great again.”
Audiences across the planet howl in glee.
I believe there is a 6th installment, but the girls have lost interest.  Lucky me.