
Rich Hall's Workin' For The American Dream - 2018 - UK

Rich Hall's Workin' For The American Dream - 2018 - 7/10

American expat living in Britain, Mr Hall extols the mystery, history and misery of the so-called American Dream.
Hall is an acerbic satirist in the best tradition of Ambrose Bierce.
Work hard, work long, and one day you'll reap your great reward.
Really?  Do people still believe that?  Or does Barnum's jeer at suckers ring down the ages?
Most of Hall's specials are essential viewing, whether you live in the USofA , or not.
This is 90 minutes of funny, vicious and uncomfortable.
Curiously, Rich skips from the 1950's straight to the 1970's, bypassing the 60's.