
All The Colors Of The Dark - 1972

All The Colors Of The Dark - 1972 - 6/10
AKA - Tutti I Colori Del Buio

After a miscarriage - ahem, abortion - a woman shuns any intimacy from her husband.
She is also menaced by a blue eyed stalker holding a stiletto.
Saints be praised, she finds refuge with an orgy of pagan worshippers.
(some say Satanists, but their focal point is a triangle with an all seeing eye in the center)
Better, after one ceremony, her fear of physical encounters is gone gone gone.
Wild Italian Gaillo races along and is always visually interesting.  Color filters, kaleidoscope lenses, and bizarre sets.
The music is a groovy 60's mix of guitars and sitars.
The narrative, overloaded to be sure, is almost as good.
Mouth-watering Edwige Fenech as the moody victim, along with Susan Scott and Marina Malfatti, make this irresistible.