
The Wicked City - 1992

The Wicked City - 1992 - 6/10
AKA - Yíu Sau Dōu Síh  /  妖獸都市

Gent follows good time girl, Perrier, to her room for an intimate exchange of fluids.
As the docking sequence is about to commence, she transforms - oh no! - into a monster!!!!

Too bad for her, he's a special kinda cop, hunting the monsters than are on planet earth.
OK, I saw this when it came out and they are reptoids or raptors, not monsters.
They mate with humans, slaughter humans, suck up gobs of electricity, control mega corporations.
Based on manga or anime, I suspect it presupposes familiarity with the material.
I like this film, but the narrative and backstory have always confused me.
The film is packed with sfx, some odd, others inventive.  Editing is brisk, the pace downright hectic.
I always felt much of the tone and comments were vague references to the coming takeover in 1997.
One of the funnier references is for the addictive drug, "Happiness," which is slang for "I'm coming!”