
Burning Paradise - 1994 - Hong Kong

Burning Paradise - 1994 - 7/10
AKA -  Foh Siu Hung Lin Ji  //  火燒紅蓮寺

Cracking Ringo Lam kung fu actioner, strong in political overtones.
After the Shaolin temple is crushed, priests and disciples are imprisoned underground in the Red Lotus Temple.
The prison is studded with traps, fire pits, torturers, and lording over all is an insane degenerate.
Nudity and graphic violence, particularly to animals.  So beware.
This was one of the Lam’s finest, and one of the bleakest films from Hong Kong.  The colony was to be returned to China in 1999, and there was growing concern their fate would mirror the Shaolin.