
Blood Money - 1933 - USA

Blood Money - 1933 - 6/10

George Bancroft plays Bill Bailey (no relation to the Brit comedian), good natured bail bondsman.
He has an easy relationship with police, judges, crime bosses, families.
Junior in trouble?  Fine.  Put your house deed up for collateral.
Yes, Mr. Bailey is doing quite well, thank you.
Then he meets a rich young woman in trouble.  She prefers rough men, dangerous men.
Ensuing complications upend Bailey’s delicate balancing act between legal and illegal factions.
Top to bottom, a cheerfully cynical film, amoral to its corrupt core.
Memorable quote – “The only difference between a liberal and a conservative man is, that a liberal recognizes the existence of vice and controls it, while a conservative just turns his back and pretends it doesn't exist.”