
Robert Aickman: Author of Strange Tales - 2015

Robert Aickman:  Author of Strange Tales - 2015 - 6/10

Very good biography of influential horror writer.
Not that his writings slip neatly into that particular niche.
Aickman preferred to term them "strange" stories.
Their structure, characters, and outcomes can be maddeningly elusive.
Criticism.  The sound quality is poor, only Reggie Oliver is discernible throughout.
Commentary from others ranges from enlightening to minor interest.
Aickman's involvement with the inland canal restoration is a pleasant contrast his lonelier habits.
(For those curious about canals, seek out Prunella and Timothy.)
Nice selection of television adaptations, especially so since few of these have been seen outside of Britain.
Labour of love from Tartarus Press is well worth seeking out and, as of 2021, is available on Youtube.
For horror readers wanting to break from blood, children, zombies, whatnot, check out Aickman's  "Cold Hand In Mine" collection, which I believe is available in ebook.
