
Lifeforce - 1985 - USA

Lifeforce - 1985 - 6/10

A favorite masterpiece.
Combined US / UK space mission to Halley’s Comet discovers 100 mile artifact (gasp - spaceship) embedded in comet.
Of course, they investigate, come across three nude human looking types, and bring ‘em back.

In no time flat, the stark naked space vampiress (Mathilda May, all nude, all the time) wrecks havoc in London, transforming the city into a rampaging zombies, end of the world apocalypse.
This film is tremendously, gloriously bad. The plot goes from far fetched to silly to stupid to delirium.
No one could create a narrative this terrible if they tried.
And one gets the impression everyone involved tried really, really hard to make an A-level movie.
Steve Railsback overacts his little hammy heart out. Patrick Stewart channels his feminine side.
Mathilda May completely unforgettable.
Wonderful stuff!