
Cyborg Girl - 2008 - Japan

Cyborg Girl - 2008 - 6/10
AKA - Boku no Kanojo wa Saibogu // 僕の彼女はサイボーグ

Cross between Terminator meets Robotrix meets Fembots, mixing comedy, romance, time travel and apocalypse.
Smokin’ hot female cyborg, wearing skin tight getups, sent to protect clueless young male.
Haruka Ayase is so scrumptious in this, one temporarily forgets how derivative the script is, or how the male lead couldn’t out act a paper sack.
Cyborg Girl is ostensibly a romantic comedy, heavy on broad based, juvenile behavior.
Truly, the male has negative social skills and behaves like he has never spoken with a girl in his life.
Good special effects, used (wisely) sparingly. Plus a few plot twists near the end.
More innocent viewers would rank this higher - more skeptical souls would cut the score.
Probably make an innocuous date flick.