
You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger - 2010

You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger - 2010 - 5/10

God … Has it really been thirty years since Silence Of The Lambs was released?
Yes, indeed, and going by Hopkins’ physical appearance here, the first 20 were hard years.
He plays a man suffering a mid-life crisis, who divorces his wife (Gemma Jones) and subsequently marries his rent-by-the-position B-girl.
There are four or five plots working simultaneously, featuring Antonio Banderas, Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin.
This was not a comedy, nor was it one it one of Woody Allen’s darker films.
This was an odd construction, more about individuals losing their way.
The voiceover was invasive. The narrator was clearly American, yet the film was set in London.
Moreover, the narration did little to advance the plot or provide illumination.
It merely echoed the obvious.