
One Cut Of The Dead - 2017

One Cut Of The Dead - 2017 - 7/10
AKA - Kamera Wo Tomeruna! // カメラを止めるな

A crew filming a low budget zombie yarn select an accursed location.
Before they know it, real zombies arise and most of the crew is swiftly consumed / converted.
Inept directing, atrocious acting, with camera work apparently by a distracted kitten.
I’m watching, thinking, “This is crap. I wonder how much they spent on this one day shoot?”
Adding digital cameras, boom mic, drone, gallons of blood, props, food, I arrived at the above amount.
Then, thirty odd minutes in, the story concludes and credits roll.

What? Hey! Where’s the rest of it? I’ve been cheated!
Be like me. Hang with those credits. Because afterward, “one month ago …”
And then the movie rolls. This thing is suddenly funny as hell.
Anyone who ever made their own film, longed to act or direct, this is essential!