
Two Days, One Night - 2015 - Belgium

Two Days, One Night - 2015 - 6/10
AKA - Deux Jours, Une Nuit

Many unanswered questions litter this Belgium/French film.
Just as Sandra is ready to return to her workplace, she learns she has been laid off.
Workmates were given a vote: Keep Sandra, or let her go and get a bonus of €1000 each.
Late Friday, the employer agrees to a second vote on Monday morning.
There were only 16 employees involved, and the narrative follows Sandra as she goes from house to house, person to person, begging to reinstate her job and give up that bonus.
A moral dilemma, to be sure, and sadly, not uncommon.

To be blunt, I did not like Sandra. She was out with depression (film did not say how long), she pops Xanacs like candy, suffers repeated meltdowns, and constantly gives up.
All of us have worked with characters like Sandra.
Quitters, whiners, or simply unable to cope for whatever reason (sometimes through no fault of their own).
Nonetheless, these are souls everyone else must carry.
Females who watched with me, were grudgingly more sympathetic.
They said I have no conception of what it is like to deal with moodswings and raging hormones.
“Too bad, work at home.” (Yes, Mr. Sympathy.)
Brilliant performance.