
Resurrection Of The Little Match Girl - 2002 - S Korea

Resurrection Of The Little Match Girl - 2002 - 4/10 or 7/10
AKA - Sungnyangpali Sonyeoui Jaerim / 성냥팔이 소녀의 재림

Big budget Korean Sci Fi.
No doubt about it, one either loved this film or hated it.
Mash of Matrix with Tron, as gamer enters “The System”.
Point of the game is to be the last person the matchstick girl sees before she freezes to death.
Multiple players (stick with main character and drag queen Lara) confuse an already muddled plotline.
Stunning visuals compensate, however, along with a fun mix of music.
Lots of shoot-outs and wire work.
Good example of over reaching film that failed badly.