
Daughter Of Dracula - 1972 - Spain

Daughter Of Dracula - 1972 - 5/10
AKA - La Fille de Dracula

Miss Karlstein returns to the manor home and her mother’s deathbed.
There she learns of her grandfather, great grandfather still reposing in the basement crypt.
Count Dracula, oops, Count Karlstein!
Soon, female characters are pursued and slain by a masked, fedora wearing assassin.
(Think Blood And Black Lace.)
A detective hunts for the vampire (née killer), the modern count plays piano, and his aide philosophizes.
The aide is Jess Franco himself who shows rather good acting potential.
From what I’ve heard, this started out as a Giallo, but Franco decided that genre was kaput and hastily reshot vampiric sequences and rebranded the film.
No matter. The story remains a mess, the pace languid.