
Bacurau - 2019 - Brazil

Bacurau - 2019 - 7/10

Following the death of her 94 year old  grandmother, Theresa returns to her village of Bacurau.
She arrives riding in the water truck, since authorities have dammed the river upstream.
First indication there is something amiss.
For reasons unexplained, someone or something is trying to squeeze the villagers.
We observe residents, their struggles, romances, endurance.
A half hour in, from out of nowhere, one of the villagers, riding home, is followed by a small UFO.

Right off, I get tremendously excited.  UFO, middle of oblivion, this must be the Zanti misfits!
Well, that was not to be, but several scenes later Udo Kier appears and the plot accelerates.
Slow boil actioner will reward the patient.