
Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life - 2010 - France

Gainsbourg: A Heroic Life - 2010 - 7/10
AKA - Gainsbourg (Vie Héroïque)

Challenging French film about artist, singer songwriter, personality, Serge Gainsbourg.
No time dates, names, or other signposts as viewer is dumped into Vichy France where Serge still goes by Lucien Ginsberg.  Young Gainsbourg very precocious and very annoying.  Accurate?   Maybe.
Great masked alter-ego trails throughout film.
Parade of female performers and conquests follow, including Juliette Greco, France Gall, Jane Birken.
Some steamy scenes with Bardot, probably the most recognizable person to the uninitiated.

Solid period soundtrack, running from the 40's to the 70's, though not enough Gainsbourg tunes.
Two hours later, and I still didn’t have a feel for the guy.