
The Missing Sun - 2017 - USA

The Missing Sun - 2017 - 6/10

Early on, Alma has what appears to be a conversation with herself, saying she is not ready to die yet.
Everyone else, however, seems to have shuffled off.  Her husband is there.  Sleeping, comatose, dead.
The sparse area is pretty deserted, though, and those who remain don’t seem to “see” Alma.
That had me wondering, is she dead?  Is she a restless spirit?
Her home has quartz crystals, tapes on astral projection.
There is a cult-like church with a tiny flock, where the shepherd goes on and on about this life, that life.
The photography is extraordinarily sharp, the narrative quite opaque.
I was never sure what the writer / director was trying to say, in a film that moves at a glacial pace.