
Love In Andalusia - 2019 - France

Love In Andalusia - 2019 - 5/10
AKA - Coup de Foudre en Andalousie //  Coup de Foudre à Séville

During Claire’s birthday party, her sister Laura presents her a stunning red dress.
“It will be prefect to wear at MY WEDDING!!  Yes, everyone, I’m getting married!!”
For the umpteenth time, Laura upstages Claire’s event.
Shift now to Sevilla (for travel types, this has terrific location filming), where Claire meets fiancé Alvaro and the entire family.
But no Laura, who is missing (and who has stranded prospective bridegrooms before).
No worries.  Claire and Alvaro decide to start searching for the wayward betrothed.
Clichéd family characters, predictable romantic comedy fluff.