
Frances Ha - 2012 - USA

Frances Ha - 2012 - 5/10

Say what?
Critical darling about deluded late 20's girl who comes off as a failure on every level.
Doesn’t really have a job, mooches apartment space, fails with relationships.
Yeah, join the club, princess.
How does she pay New York rent?  Eat out?  Airfares?
Oh - it’s a movie.  And not a New York film ala Woody Allen or Edward Burns.  This was fantasy island.
Frances strikes one as shallow, self centered, untalented, yet resolute in the belief of her innate specialness.
Could be a metaphor for every Me Generation.
After muddled speeches, foolish decisions, squandering of funds, the film rushes a tacked on, happy finale that was as satisfying as a peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich.