
Ex Libris: The New York Public Library - 2017 - USA

Ex Libris: The New York Public Library - 2017 - 6/10

Lengthy documentary on the central location and the branches.
Free form structure.  Five minutes of an author interview, five minutes in the childrens section, five minutes with the board, five minutes with a poet, or a rapper.  Book club.  Senior time!  More board meetings.  E-books.  Funding.
Repeat - repeat.
The homeless problem barely touched upon.  (My bride toils in the stacks, and believe me, street types, especially those with mental issues, affect patron traffic.)
Time runs three and a half hours.  I broke this up into two nights.
The first half seemed mind numbingly slow.  Every vignette went on three beats too long.
The second half was edited quicker and had a better flow.