
Disconnect - 2013 - USA

Disconnect - 2013 - 7/10

Several ongoing stories, sometimes interconnecting, showing souls more plugged into devices than relationships.
Identity theft, online gambling, chat rooms, sexting, bullying, underage porn, exposure, spying.
Most reflect the Zeitgeist of the times, but to be fair, the writing seldom stoops to cliché or “happy.”
Similar to Crash, (the 2004 film, not the 1996 carwreck), Short Cuts, and numerous others.
Finale overused the slo-mo to distracting effect.
Although I find it hard to believe people are so gullible and trusting, they are indeed.
In addition, their desperation to belong, to be accepted, can be devastating.
Technology exposes the weaker members to the merciless.