
47 Meters Down: Uncaged - 2019

47 Meters Down: Uncaged - 2019 - 6/10

In name sequel to 2016’s In The Deep, (later renamed “47 Meters Down.”)
This time there is an underground city, hidden by the Mayans from the Conquistadors.
With rising sea waters, it’s now underwater. It had been undiscovered, until recently.
Four high school girls descend with 100” of air, not suspecting a great white shark might hunt down there.
Photography is murky, which is good and bad. The shark is an excellent creation.
The girls scream and screech throughout. The scriptwriter gave them moronic dialogue.
Superlatives abound. “Amazing!” “Crazy!” “Insane!” “Cool!” “Creepy!”
It’s like the writer hates females, so he made them so stupid viewers would cheer on the shark.
Passable waste of time.