
Airplane II: The Sequel - 1982 - USA

Airplane II: The Sequel - 1982 - 6/10

Reused jokes, gags, and characters from 1980’s Airplane, itself a spoof of Zero Hour! (1957), and the 1970’s Airport franchise.
Maiden flight of the space shuttle Mayflower goes awry.
Passengers are doomed!
I had not seen the 1980 original since it played theatrically, so the jokes struck me as fine.
Many of the gags, and especially cameos, are dated. Only older viewers will “get them.”
The Zuckers are not involved with this, and it shows.
Woke warning: some jokes are sexist, homophobic, or have cultural stereotypes.
γνῶθι σεαυτόν

Shoutout to editor M77’s “Mayflower Madness,” an inspired short of this flick.