
Lady You Shot Me: Life And Death Of Sam Cooke - 2017

Lady You Shot Me: Life And Death Of Sam Cooke - 2017 - 5/10

Inept biography plays more like “Cold Case” episode than fact filled documentary.
Fact: Over 50 years have passed since Cooke was murdered.
Most of the participants from that period are deceased. Only two interviewees either worked with or knew Cooke directly.
Fact: There was an autopsy, there was a hearing where the sunglass wearing shooter was acquitted.
A lot of supposition and theorizing goes on in this, a fair amount runs the conspiracy line.
This is cheap looking throughout, with measured narration.
Not without interest, however.
Music: Cooke’s tunes were not permitted to be used. The rights holder, ABKCO, refused.
Older music fans need read no further. If younger and curious, proceed.
ABKCO is / was Allen Klein’s umbrella company.
Klein was an accountant, who with methods aggressive and hostile, obtained higher royalties for musicians.
Yet somehow, the songwriting copyrights became his.
Aside from Cooke, “clients” included the Beatles, the Animals, Rolling Stones (to their everlasting regret), labels Cameo Parkway and Philles.
The merest whiff of Klein, one of the most disreputable villains in modern music, galvanized my full attention.