
Three Identical Strangers - 2018 - UK

Three Identical Strangers - 2018 - 8/10

First day at new college, fellow students smile at the new guy, hug him, say, “Glad you’re back, Eddy!”
Only thing, his name is Bobby, not Eddy.
By the end of the day, he meets the twin he never knew he had.
“Newsweek” covers the story, and, incredibly enough, a third missing brother surfaces!

All three had been separated at birth, to different families. Who knew?
The boys become a national phenomenon, they are feted, they appear on national television, even cameo in a Madonna movie!
They bond, the nation loves them, a bounty of luck showers down.

Yet, ever so gradually, the story grows unimaginably dark.
Their story is a sinister one, almost painful, akin to a diabolical X-Files episode.
If remotely curious, then I heavily recommend this, and recommend you see this cold.
Especially if you know nothing about this story. Almost every review I read afterward is filthy with spoilers.