
The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors - 2013

The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors - 2013 - 6/10

(More accurate title might be “Eastern Europe’s…)
Three part documentary gives a skimming survey of 600 years of rule, and 100 years afterward.
Ambitions, strategies, implementation of power are detailed, as well as dealing with problems.
Some problems, caused by the Turks, caused by the West, would fester for centuries, boiling over in our era.
The major historical players are checked, but really, 20 minutes is not enough for Atatürk, and certainly not for Suleiman The Magnificent.
Rageh Omaar is a quiet, self-effacing presenter (unlike other hosts who feel their face is the essential ingredient and want it onscreen continuously).
At three hours, this makes a lightly informative series.