
Color Out Of Space - 2019 - USA

Color Out Of Space - 2019 - 5/10

“Hey, J J, listen to this! Nicolas Cage doing a Lovecraft movie!”
– Lovecraft. As in romance? Or Kama Sutra bouncing?
“A space rock strikes a farm in the backwoods! Then bizarre things start spreading out.”
– Oh, a remake of that “Annihilation” movie?
“No one believes the farmer, meanwhile colored lights turn everything weird.”
– Like in “Annihilation”? Only with crafty love sex, right? Like “Lifeforce”? Whoa! Loved that one! None of those tentacles and testicles though.
“Who needs sex when we got Cage! Who’s gonna go full-bore Nick Cage wacko in the last act.”
– What he does. Any partnership funding? Help defray costs?
“Yeah! Llama Owners Worldwide are kicking in $500 and fresh milk so long as we include llamas in the story.”
– OK, what’s another million, more or less. Who’s the target audience?
“Need you ask?”